Tools for Student Leaders

Whether you are motivated to drive positive change or you want to lay the foundation for an exceptional future, putting your hand up for a leadership role is both exciting and intimidating.

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Student Leadership Insights - Quick Reads

personal leadership

You the Leader

“What we are communicates far more eloquently than anything we say or do.” – Stephen Covey There is a leader hiding inside everyone. The leader inside you may be underdeveloped,…

Leaders rise

“Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility.”- Saint Augustine Great leadership is never the…


By John C Maxwell

Title and seniority do not make leaders. Neither does birthright. True leaders know that when opportunity comes, it is too late to prepare. They develop the leaders within themselves so they can step up when the moment is right. First released in 1993, John C. Maxwell’s book Developing the Leader Within You transformed the way leaders see themselves. The lessons shared can be applied to anyone in any leadership position, from business executives to student councillors. In his revised edition, Maxwell builds on his foundational messages for how to become a good leader, explaining how influence, character, service and vision can be used as a roadmap to influence others. Perhaps the most relevant point is Maxwell’s conviction that leaders must first work on themselves. He disrupts the traditional idea of a leader having all the answers, and instead asks readers to acknowledge the true goal of any leader who leaves a lasting legacy — to serve others.

DARE TO LEAD by Brené Brown

Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts.
To produce this game-changing publication, Researcher, Author and Speaker Brené Brown conducted in-depth interviews with leaders and change-makers. She asked them all what it really takes to be a great leader. As the book explains, leading is not about being the boss, pointing out people’s failures or being an untouchable figure within your school or organisation. A ‘Daring Leader’ has an in-depth understanding of people’s fears and instincts when it comes to a team environment. They choose courage over comfort, are actively curious and embrace vulnerability to set an example and bring out the best in others. Dare to Lead explains how to break down your own leadership style and understand why you and the people around you behave in certain ways. It also shares strategies for managing difficult conversations and situations. This book is ideal for anyone who wants to improve the way they communicate, build a braver, more daring culture within their organisation and feel more confident in their approach to leadership.


25 Ways to Lead Others with Compassion