Study Tools For Students

Below are a few organisational tools, posters and articles that can be used to immediately set yourself up for more effective learning and exam preparation.







The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens By Sean Covey

Being a teenager is tough. You are supposed to fit in, excel at school, make your parents proud, and so on, but something is not right. There’s too much to do and not enough time. Your life feels out of your control, and your parents aren’t actually helping. You feel stressed out or depressed. Sean Covey wrote The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teenagers to help you deal with your life. You’ll learn that all happy teenagers have a set of habits in common. They are not super smart or talented. Their secret weapon is just a set of habits – and you can build those habits too. If you want to change the world around you, begin with yourself. Build your self-confidence and character, then work on your relationships. To make it easier for you, we’ve picked the most useful ideas and action steps from this book, so you can start improving your life right away.

Stolen Focus By Johann Hari

Johann Hari has noticed that the struggle to focus is becoming an increasing problem in the world. After recognising his own struggle to stick with a task, he set out to discover why he and the rest of the world are losing the ability to concentrate.The book Stolen Focus outlines the deep-rooted societal and institutional issues that Hari found along the way. Follow this New York Times best-selling author on his journey to reclaim focus and discover what lies at the root of this new epidemic. Hari explores the trouble with digital technology, modern work practices, and 21st-century parenting with an open mind and an even hand. You may be surprised at the answers that are uncovered along the way.

The Geography of Genius: A search for the world’s most creative places from Ancient Athens to Silicon Valley By Eric Weiner

Did you ever wonder what makes a genius? Best selling travel writer Eric Weiner did, so he wrote a book on the subject. Dismissing the old adage of the lone genius, Weiner embraced the geographical theory of genius creation and set out on an epic journey to discover how it works. His book invites you to travel along as he explores hot spots of historical genius from Ancient Athens to Silicon Valley. Weiner’s account of his journey is an entertaining romp through ‘genius’, past and present. With frequent and insightful scholarly references and colourful conversations with experts, Weiner breaks down the environmental and geographical elements that created geniuses from Socrates to Beethoven and beyond. Weiner’s self-proclaimed ‘colossal fools’ experiment is a thought-provoking journey into genius and how it is formed. It may be far more treasure map than recipe book but The Geography of Genius is the perfect first step to understanding genius and discovering it in yourself and those around you.