You the Leader

personal leadership

What we are communicates far more eloquently than anything we say or do.” – Stephen Covey

There is a leader hiding inside everyone. The leader inside you may be underdeveloped, overlooked or ignored, but it is still there.

Leadership is not just for the select few; it is for everyone. Because being a good friend is about leadership, being a big brother or sister is about leadership and learning to manage your time is about leadership. Overcoming challenges, making good decisions… it’s all about leadership. Everything rises and falls on leadership.

Each one of us must make the decision to awaken the leader inside of us. Why? Because the only way our life gets to the next level is if we make the decision to lead it there. If you can grow your internal leadership capacity, you can grow your life.

Leadership is not a role. It is a responsibility for every one of us, regardless of age or status.