Merry Christmask from the Gerreyn Family

It’s been a doozy!!! 2020…we certainly didn’t see that coming. We are so grateful that our family, friends, teachers and school communities have all been in good health and for that we are very fortunate.

But the rest of it!!?? We never factored a global pandemic into our business planning (our bad!) so what was set to be our best year yet slowly turned from one cancellation to the next, as schools and borders closed. The kids were all learning from home which was 50% successful and Glen has spent much of the year at home which has been a lovely change and did give him more time for early morning supermarket trips to hunt for the elusive toilet paper rolls. (toilet paper emoji)  He took over 99% of the early morning swimming drop offs so that could possibly be the best thing to come from Covid-19 for Belinda.

Justus turned 6, Willow 9, Eden 12 and Grace 14. As luck would have it only Justus’ party had to be cancelled with Covid restrictions and he doesn’t let us forget that! Planning for his 7th Birthday has already begun. Justus, and I quote “I hate flippin dickin Corona!”  Me too buddy, me too.

Justus performed in his first Hip Hop concert and fell in love with BMX riding.

Willow kept going with her gymnastics but had no chance for competitions. They even had to sanitise their feet before entering the gym. That was a new experience.

Eden danced the year away both on zoom and in person and performed in four Lyrical Solo Eisteddfods placing in each. It was a very different year for dance but her School Eisteddfod groups were able to perform to a restricted audience in November, so we were lucky to get to see those dances in person. The rest will make for a fun movie night in the summer holidays.

Grace made it through shutdowns with freezing Manly Beach swims in April which led to a persistent cold and our first Covid test. #negative. They were back in the pool in late May and she has gone from strength to strength qualifying for four events for the Australian National Open Virtual Short Course Championships. All swimmers competing from their own State hence the “virtual”. Who knew even swim comps could be on zoom!? The Age Nationals she was set to swim in Perth in April was of-course cancelled. Thanks again Covid-19!

I think however the year is best summed up with an excerpt from Eden’s Public Speaking Speech which got her to the final six,

This year 2020 Corona has stolen so much.

It took class as we knew it, logging in is the new showing up

Parties, competitions and even hugging has been stopped

Face masks the new accessory but not everything has been called off.

Moving forward we keep kindness, and we keep hope.

It is the love, the connection and the smiles that have helped us cope.

What’s important has shone through like never before.

Our complaining turned grateful. Life can’t be seen as a chore.

 Lockdowns, shutdowns and put downs should never crush you.

Setbacks have been part of humanity since the Garden of Eden grew.

But so has overcoming. It is part of our DNA.
We will walk through this storm together. No matter what they say.

And now we wait in eager desperation for the Queensland Border to open so we can spend Christmas with Glen’s family whom we haven’t seen for over a year. Please Anastasia!!!! We could really do with a holiday!

Keep walking friends. May 2021 be even better than we had hoped 2020 would be!

Stay well and keep hope alive.

Wishing you a very Merry and Blessed Christmas and a flippin awesome 2021!

Lots of Love

Glen, Belinda, Grace, Eden, Willow & Justus!